Sunday, February 17, 2008


Am I a horrible person for hoping that a certain pain-in-the-ass patient no-shows for her appointment?


rlbates said...

If you are, then so are most of us. I think at one time or another, we all hope that "pain-in-the-butt" patient we saw on the schedule won't come in. Sometimes it just the "wrong day" for us. Too many red lights on the way to work, the dog ate our homework (or our child's), the spouse told you about the dinner with the in-laws, etc. Tomorrow will be better.

dr. whoo? said...

Nah, I think you are just human. I find myself cringing on certain days, hoping for a blizzard or some other such disaster to occur to keep certain someones from darkening my door. Good luck!

ER's Mom said...

she did show. :(

Nectarine said...

Nope, I do this all the time!