Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why can't we

Adults be more like kids?

I took the kids to the park the other day. Initially, they were the only kids on the playground, running around, climbing, sliding. Other kids arrived and joined in the fun...and all of the kids just accepted each other as new friends. Both genders, all ages, different ethnicities.

Proof of the song from South Pacific : You've Got to be Carefully Taught. In this song, Lt. Cable, who has fallen in love with a local girl, is fighting with his upbringing and how he was taught "to hate the people your relatives hate."


Grumpy, M.D. said...

Because it's easier for some people to blindly hate then to learn about others.

ER's Mom said...

Yeah, I know.

pooey on grown-ups.

Anonymous said...
