Monday, January 31, 2011


I'm on a kick of pushing with patients for hours (5 - yes FIVE - in one case) only to end up calling a section for arrest of descent.

And yes, I've done everything I know to get babies to descend - position changes, laboring down, etc.


And now the heads are well wedged into the bony pelvis too, making getting the kids up and out not fun either.



Dragonfly said...


dr. whoo? said...

Ugh! is right! So painful for all involved...3 hours is my limit. You are truly going above and beyond.

Anonymous said...

call grumpy

ER's Mom said...

Yeah, after about 2 hours with minimal descent I was thinking section. I was in there for over 4 hours of the pushing (except for a quick potty break for me!)

Both gals really didn't want a section and worked really hard not to end up one. I hate it when this happens.

Anonymous said...

Even though I knew my baby was big (via ultrasound and abnormally huge belly) and never dropped (I'm not a Dr., but mine asked if there was something higher than a 3, whatever) I still pushed for 3 hrs while she whined about how I wasn't pushing hard enough (even though I clearly was) and went on and on about my "7 # baby". Finally, I was in tears and exhausted and went to c- section, got general anesthesia (because epidurals don't always work), lost a lot of blood, and ripped my uterus getting my 10# baby out. I still want to punch that woman in the face. I just fired her instead. Sorry, I'm sure you are a wonderful Dr. and would never be so cruel.