Saturday, May 9, 2009

It stops hurting when you stop hitting your head!

I can see how patients hate us. If it wasn't for the fact that I have an MD, I would be so damn confused by now.

Mom's urologist, RadOnc, and MedOnc have 3 entirely different ideas as to what needs to be done. As for me, I tend to agree with the urologist, having seen the films and knowing her past surgical misadventures. He wants neoadjuvant chemo/radiation before surgery. RadOnc is questioning why surgery isn't being done first, since that is the usual case in ureteral cancer. MedOnc wants the 5 cm pelvic nodes sampled before starting chemo, since "It might not be cancer." Hell, it might not, but then I would also be the goddamned Queen of England too. What looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...probably is a duck.

So next week she has an appointment with those who live in the rarified air of the ivory tower. I have called some contacts at that school and quizzed them. Fortunately, the appointment is on my off day, so I'll be there.


1 comment:

dr. whoo? said...

Geez. Hang in there!