Saturday, March 31, 2012


So we've bought a new home, are working on selling our current home, and are working FT (both of us). I am still locumsing, seeing if this is a good spot for me. We are both commuting 2+ hours daily until school ends, when we will move. June can't come fast enough.


But I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my new kitchen! Can't wait to move in! I honestly think my happiest moments are in the kitchen, surrounded by music and my family while I'm puttering around, fixing dinner.


Grumpy, M.D. said...

Enjoy it.

I HATE commuting. I intentionally have my house, office, and hospital within a 1 mile radius.

Mary said...

Congratulations! Commuting always beats living in the wrong place. Won't be for long. Hope the kids' love their new school as much as you love your new kitchen.