Tuesday, January 15, 2013

There are...

Some things you dread at work. A pap-athon is hated by all of us in the office. Certain annoying patients. Insurance companies and their assinine hoops.

And then, there are some surgeries that you book - knowing that it will be difficult. Could be minimal descensus for a vag hyst, whiny patient with unrealistic expectations (the pain will ALL GO AWAY!!!), the large uterus for a laparoscopic hyst. I had one of those types of cases booked today.

3+ hours into the pain, I looked over at my partner and asked what baked goods she wanted in the office, because I really owed her for agreeing to scrub in with me on this one. My back is killing me, my arms were jello by the end of the case.


Your Doctor's Wife said...

Most the time I don't know how you can do it. It is so physically demanding. I feel sorry for my husband when he has to wear lead for hours on end. I try cooking him a nice dinner for when he gets home, but sometimes he's even too tired to eat it! :(

I hope you are able to get some rest tonight!

ER's Mom said...

@Your Doctor's Wife,
I'm sure your husband would say the same thing - I can't do it without my husband, who is a saint.

Grumpy, M.D. said...

So what are you bringing?

ER's Mom said...

Either brownies or cookies. Got to look in the cabinet to see what supplies I have.

C said...


This is the best "thank you." Keep one-take the other to work. ; )