Saturday, December 12, 2009


I hate them, hate them, hate them, hate them, hate them, hate them.

They represent the worst thing about OB.


AtYourCervix said...

I agree. However, I usually volunteer to take them, because it is a time where it takes the ultimate in empathy, caring and professionalism. I don't know why, but I seem to be drawn to IUFD assignments. I don't *like* them per se, but I feel that I can give the best in care to them.

Jawndoejah said...

Trust me, as a mom who had one of those at 16 weeks, I hate them too. I had some great care and some horrible care depending on who was talking to me at the time. Compassion in serving women who are going through this is a must. It's a lonely time, a time of desperation. The mom is actually carrying the place of her child's death in her body, something she'll heal from but will always remember. Some women carry the pain for a very long time, but I do recall the kind acts and words from my loss over five years ago. It's a moment as intimate as birth for a mother, and instead of great joy, it can be filled with great and necessary pain.
