Wednesday, June 20, 2012

You get...

the most INTERESTING mail when you are an OB-GYN.

Some "personal lubricant" just sent samples to my house with a hysterical introductory letter. DH & I both got a good laugh out of the letter before pitching it.


Grumpy, M.D. said...

"Thank you for the samples, but it was bitter on toast, and I prefer marmalade. The toast did, however, come out of the toaster quite easily."

Nectarine said...

And you're not going to tell us what it SAID?!?

ER's Mom said...

I wish I could remember the exact wording, but it was about when trying to conceive and needing some help.

OB-GYNs get some weird stuff. A yogurt company (well-known, Jamie Lee Curtis is flogging it on TV) sent me some free samples plus coupons. That letter was going on and on about my patients' constipation.

Jake Levinthal said...

I came across your blog and really enjoyed the personal touch you have on your stories. Because you so active in the social media space, I wanted to introduce you to because it provides a space for you to apply your medical knowledge to any and all medical questions posed by patients.